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BMW Group

Web application Your Product Assistance

Our cooperation with the BMW Group

As a globally operating automobile and motorbike manufacturer, the BMW Group is a highly technical corporation. Accordingly, we have developed software with equally high requirements for the premium manufacturer with the highest quality standards for its vehicles.

Safety and compliance guidelines are adhered to, documented and checked with the help of a process framework. One component of this framework is the web app “Your Product Guidance Asstistant” (YPA). 


  • Analogous to the “BRIO” in the classic project management context, the YPA should be used as support in the agile process environment.

  • In terms of agile thinking, the focus is on supporting the feature teams.

  • The YPA should support the product teams in understanding and fulfilling all mandatory artefacts, compliance, security, ISO and much more.

  • One of the biggest challenges was to achieve high acceptance among a broad user base with excellent usability.

  • The solution was a fully test-automated MVP that was presented within a few weeks.

Our contribution ...



Software Design


Business Process Automation


Backend: Java 1.8, JPA,  Jersy REST, Payara -GlassFish 4, PostgreSQL, Junit and Mockito
Frontend: Angular 6, Bootstrap, D3

Test Automation: REST Assured, Cucumber, Selenium

Sonstiges: JIRA, Confluence, Xray, Bitbucket