Transformation Management for digital change,

that benefits everyone in the company.

The world around us is increasingly characterised by volatility, instability, complexity and ambiguity. In order to be prepared for the resulting changes, transformation towards an agile organisation is a must. As experts for transformation, we accompany you on this path. 

The basis for our transformation management is the transformation strategy, which we develop based on your needs and goals. Since change primarily affects people in addition to processes, systems and workflows, we work from the very beginning of our transformation management process to foster your employees’ willingness to change. Our goal is to ultimately make ourselves redundant by empowering you and your employees to manage and shape agile change themselves.

Agile Transformation Bank

Strategy Development

A transformation is only as successful as the strategy behind it. That’s why we work with you to plan a transformation strategy that is tailored to your company, takes your business goals into account and adapts to changing market conditions – for greater resilience and stability.


Organisational Design

The big picture ultimately determines whether transformation is successful. Only when structures and processes match the goals and the people do they have an impact. We review and redesign organisational structures and business processes to support the transformation goals.


Change Management

Changes are only as good as they are lived. To ensure that change succeeds in your company, we implement methods and strategies to promote the acceptance of change within the organisation.

Agile consulting

Project Management

With our many years of experience in agile project management, we support you on your journey to becoming an agile or hybrid organisation. We take on the planning, execution and controlling of projects in order to lead them to success.

Agile Coaching

Agile Coachings & Trainings

People are at the heart of every organisation and therefore crucial to its success. In order to accompany them on the path of agile transformation, we promote the agile mindset with coaching measures & training and, if required, provide external agile coaches, product owners and scrum masters for the transition.


Katharina Oehlschläger - Senior IT Consultant

"Agile transformation is never complete and requires a holistic view of the entire company."

Katharina Oehlschläger

Head of Transformation Management